Wednesday 1 February 2023

How Do Photographers Work? (Personal Development Plan)


Handout Above. 

1. Where I am now and where I want to be.
In answering this question, I am currently working in a homeless hostel-doing evening night shifts. This gives me an opportunity to do my uni work. However, I do not want to work in social care forever because it has a shelf life. I am coming to the end of my second year and should be reflecting on the future. I am confident in my direction and what my practice entails. I therefore am considering leaving university and branching out. I am going to get some business' cards printed and enter competitions in my area and beyond. Also, get busy online and get noticed. 
What motivates me is being engrossed in a subject which inspires me. I am enjoying the brief I am engaged with at the moment which has a contextual theme of empires. 

2. The approaches and qualities I bring to my work is a satirical eye which is confrontational and questioning. This is evident in my appropriation especially. I define my creative practice as subversive and similar to Peter Kennard in content. However, recently, I have become interested in creating still life images of toys and models which have an historical significance. Maybe a career in curation has been suggested to me by tutors. 

3. What my work is trying to achieve is make people aware and make them question. Also, an element of recreating history or telling a narrative through images. 

4. What is important to me and the work I seek is diverse dependent on my mood. However, I will try anything to gain experience. I think the more experience you have, the more confident you will become. I enjoy working outdoors and working in nature. This relaxes and grounds me after working with chaotic service users all week. I will endeavor to practice all elements of photography to get a wide experience in the field. 

5. In terms of working with others, I am happy too as I work well as part of a team. However, I would prefer to work by myself. I work as a lone worker in my current role-so I am used to it.

6. What is your work, practice?

Recently, I have been doing quite a bit of appropriation in my spare time and during hours at work when its quiet. I found inspiration in Peter Kennards work and other politically charged artists. I want to create work with an ironic, satirical and serious edge which gets people questioning. Therefore, the audience would have to be aware of political and contemporary topics with a political content. Also, I have been doing still life images with a historical context. This is also something I wish to progress in the future.
7. What are the characteristics which make your work unique?

I think my work is relevant to todays political climate and it is done in a satirical way with the recontextualization of paintings. Therefore the original context is kept while a new context is added by me which is relevant. 

8. Why should people value your work?

My work is a serious point made through humor. The best way to bring somebodies attention to a subject is through humor. People are more inclined to take the point onboard if there is a humorous spin on the subject. Therefore, I would like to think some people would value my work. The audience for such work exists because Peter Kennard is popular. I have thought of getting some blank t shirts and put my work on the front and sell them on eBay and such. 

9. What is the connection between your work and the client, buyer.

Hopefully, somebody who understands politics and subversive humor. Also, somebody who understands the context of my work especially if it is historical. 

My attempt at appropriation. Context is Neoliberalism.

10. Why should people employ or buy your work?

Because, my work is mine and a document of our current global landscape-it is relevant. The point is made through humor and hopefully raises a smile. If that's the case, I am happy as a creator.

11. Who are your competitors?

Not many people I know. However, appropriation is common but not everybody will have my view of the world and politics. Therefore, others attempts at appropriation will differ. 

As the academic year has progressed, I have realized that I enjoy working with history. Example is a recent brief to create images which were in context and challenging. I chose the notion of empire. While doing this, I used models and plastic solders to recreate battles fought by the British. This shows a social awareness that like appropriation, is evident in my work using still life's. Therefore, considering a job in the future, I would like to work in a museum or gallery that deals with specific historic events and recreates them for the public. 

In terms of competitors who are curators, they are 15 000 in the UK either employed or unemployed in 2020. This could have increased or decreased 3 years later.

Competition Entry x 1

 I entered the Lancashire Life Photography Competition for 2023 on the 2nd Feb. The competition askes for those who enter to be armatures and to have taken the image in the Lancashire area. 

I took the image on the 30th Jan 2023 during a sunset in St Annes on Sea. 


Image I entered. 

Professional Communication

 There are numerous ways to communicate to other photographers or businesses-in the hope of gaining employment in the future. The reasons you may need to outreach to others could be to engage with others, gain numbers and assist in projects. 

The communication method is entirely up to you and could be in person, email or via social media. 

The advantages to in person contact is-

Clarity. Respect, listening, Confidence, follow up.

When emailing, make sure the tone is correct and it sounds, looks professional. 

When using social media, use tags and follow up if you have seen somebody at an event. "it was great to meet you and I enjoyed the experience. I look forward to doing it again"

In essence, all communication has to be professional and concise. 

Culture-how it is determined by the internet. Music and photography examined.

  “It feels like the internet's impact on culture is just beginning. A world in which culture is based on the internet, which is what I ...