Monday 7 November 2022

The Future

 I have a variety of qualifications from institutions like The Open University, London School of Music and Dramatic Arts and other qualifications I have gained working in social care. I have been in management for 10 years at a homeless hostel in Blackpool-so I have a variety of experience on my CV. However, since 2018, I have been thinking of a new career and doing something that I love, which is photography.  

As this academic year has progressed, it has been noticed by tutors that I enjoy working with miniature people and creating reenactments of battles or creating narratives with still life images. I like to think my photography is telling a story and I am using my work to illustrate a narrative to the viewer. This was specifically noticed by a tutor who suggested a career in curation in a museum, art gallery or historical society. Here, I could use my historical knowledge and photography together. What the tutor said was quite interesting and it gives me a specific avenue to explore as photography is very varied in types of jobs within the sector.

I am getting to the end of my second year on the course, next year will be my final year. I am setting the ground work now by creating a portfolio and establishing contacts in the museums and galleries local to my area. This will hopefully give me the contacts needed to eventually find work. I also have to do my masters in Preston if I want to consider moving into this field of work. However, that will be based on how well I do in the coming months and next year on the current course. In the meantime, I have to research as much as possible and put in the work to get a place in Preston in the coming years.


In terms of getting my name out there and finding ways of disseminating my work, this coming year will give me the tools and the experience to do that. I am looking forward to learning these new skills and benefiting from the experience gained. 

Where I want to be.
2023- Finish the academic year with a good grade that will get me onto the level 6 course next year. Learn how to create ways of disseminating my work. Promote my work in the local community and online.

2024- Learn new skills which will benefit my work professionally. Complete my level 6 study while engaging with local employers and get a website up and running to show my work. Business' cards and posters made to promote my work further.

2025 Start a masters course in Preston with an emphases of giving up my job in social care and working part time as a photographer. 

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Culture-how it is determined by the internet. Music and photography examined.

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