Friday 9 December 2022

Qualities required for employment and attributes.

 Universities and colleges promote attributes the employers require for employment in their sector. Pretty much all sectors are the same with a few distinctions. There are what are required by the employee to maintain a job in any organisation. The university states that graduates will be prepared for the work environment in the C21. 

                            Graduate Attributes | Blackpool and The Fylde College

The university is confident that students will be "committed to lifelong learning and development"

This is very important in a fluid sector of technological advances such as photography. It demonstrates graduates can be flexible. Other attributes include-

Teamwork-working in teams and independent is vital for any company.

"Personal and intellectual autonomy" the ability to work on ones own initiative is important in any job.

"Communication, information and digital licence" understanding all aspects of IT and copyright is essential.

"Global citizenship" the ability of graduates to understand society in a local context and global context

"Research, scholarship and enquiry skills" The ability to research relevant information and be inquisitive.  

"Enterprise and Entrepreneurial awareness and capabilities" Ability to exploit opportunities which are available in the marketplace. 

"Ability to solve complex and unforeseen problems with creative imagination" Finally, the ability to adapt and overcome problems at work in an innovative way. 

Such skill are seen as transferable skills that can be taken into any sector of work. Since doing Photography at Blackpool and the Fylde College, I have had to adapt through some difficult briefs. This has made me understand different digital platforms. Such as Photoshop and other Adobe products. I was able to bring a lot of the qualities I have learned in social care to college. Such as working under pressure, flexibility, lone working and communication in various ways-written and verbal.  

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