Sunday 19 March 2023

Marketing martials needed and ways of getting work disseminated.

I read an article on 16 MUST-KNOW Ideas for Photography Marketing ( about materials needed for a photographer. 

I have considered the online footprint and got myself a LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook account. However, I need to think more intrinsic and consider business' cards, flyers and price menu. 

"Most photographers’ target markets are online – social media channels such as Instagram, Facebook, Linked In, etc. However, it’s still worth the effort to invest in certain physical photography marketing materials"

When it comes to business' cards, according to  16 MUST-KNOW Ideas for Photography Marketing (

When considering business' cards:

" investing some of your money into a graphic designer is usually a better idea – they’ll do it much better than you, and you’ll save lots of time and frustration.

If you don’t have the budget for it, another great option is to use templates – everything has been laid out by a designer, and all you have to do is replace the various elements with your own text and photos"

However, the photographer can use Adobe Illustrator for graphic design of cards and logo ideas. This can be given to the printer to create the final outcome. When creating something to disseminate your work, the options are a zine, brochures, flyers, price menu with images. I think I will go for a zine which is cheap and allows a lot to be said in a small amount of space. 

Target audience 

When considering this, I see my work as having an historical and factual element which uses photography to create periods in history. I have thought about my audience who may be interested in this work and come to the conclusion it would be museums, historical societies, gallery's and  local authorities who promote areas of historical meaning. For this reason, I have added councils such as Lancaster, Preston and Lancashire County Council to my LinkedIn profile. Also, museums in Preston, Manchester and Lancaster, also, heritage train lines such as Our History - The East Lancashire Railway (

Build a network

This can be other photographers or in my case, historians, model railway enthusiasts or artists for example. According to  16 MUST-KNOW Ideas for Photography Marketing ( "When you build a network with other professionals, you can create collaborations and partnerships. For example, let’s say you’re a wedding photographer. Every bride-to-be looking for a wedding photographer will also be looking for someone to do her hair and makeup. Look for local businesses to become co-marketing partners with, and you’ll see how your clientele will grow organically"

Create a blog

It is common for some people to make a living out of creating a blog. You can direct potential clients, friends and businesses to your blog. Over time, this will create an organic friendship where you will be respected and your views absorbed by the readers-it could secure you work. Especially if you add images to your blog. The following website helps you with starting a photography blog How to Start a Photography Blog in 2023 (EASY Way) (

Build a social network presence.

This I have been doing for many years but the subject has always been myself and not a bossiness. However, I have featured my images online. The difference however is keep the presence professional and make sure the images featured are up to an excellent standard. As before, the platforms to consider are Instagram, Facebook, Tic Toc, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Get Features. 

This means getting your work out there. Through social media, competitions and explore magazines which feature your niche. Wedding photography, then consider wedding magazines. In my case, magazines which feature historical events or museums which feature historical narrative imagery.

Use Google My Business.

This is a free service where you can create a free account online. If anybody requires a wedding photographer in Blackpool, one will come up. You can create a website and keep up to date of how many "hits" you have had online. Google Business Profile – Get Listed on Google

Build an email list. 

According to 16 MUST-KNOW Ideas for Photography Marketing ( "That’s why an email list can include news and updates about your business, discounts or a free gift, a referral program, or even season’s greetings during the holidays. Segmenting your emails is more effective – this one of the keys to effective online marketingTo encourage people to subscribe, you can have a landing page, a pop-up on your website, posts and advertisements on social media, or you can offer a freebie. Make sure you’re clear about your privacy policies and try to offer quality content instead of spamming people – otherwise, they’ll unsubscribe right away"

Encourage word of mouth with referral discounts. 

Word of mouth is priceless advertising because it comes with a guarantee from the person suggesting you. With this word of mouth, offer discounts on the next time the customer uses your service.

Keep you website updated. 

According to  16 MUST-KNOW Ideas for Photography Marketing (

"Whether you have an elaborate photography website or a simple online portfolio, you should regularly update the content to keep popping up in search engines.

Also, because both photography and website designs are subject to trends, if your style of photography or the overall look of your website becomes outdated, you’ll be less appealing than other photographers.

Even a small change can make a huge difference. If you add a blog section, you can post regularly to refresh your website and encourage visitors to come back often.

If it’s completely image-based, then you can add a new gallery or change the main image on the landing page to change looks"

Take part in charity events. 

This is giving back and making opportunities for yourself. Your work will be featured in magazines or website and create free advertising. In my case, museums are always having fund raisers. This would be ideal.

Develop a long term and short term strategy.

Simple, where do you want to be in a year. Where do you want to be in 5 years. Call it a five year plan-Like Stalin maybe...

Participate in targeted events. 

According to  16 MUST-KNOW Ideas for Photography Marketing ( "A great way to network with other professionals and get new clients is to attend fairs, conventions and other targeted events"

For example, fine art photographers can participate in art fairs; wedding photographers can visit bridal fairs, and so on. This is a great way to connect with potential clients that are actively looking for what you offer.

Also, regardless of your field, you should attend photography conventions. This will keep you updated on new trends and the latest technologies"

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