Friday 18 November 2022

My Practice


The task this week is to write a bit about our practice and how we see it developing in the future.  

1. What is my industry? 

A. A degree in the arts can give you lots of opportunities. For example, working in education, library services, museums, art galleries or photography. I would be content working as a curator in a museum which deals with history or art.

2 How would I make money from my practice? 

A By doing a masters at Preston when I graduate to gain the relevant qualification. Once I graduate from Preston, I could hopefully explore the contacts I will gain online through social media platforms and LinkedIn.

3 How would you promote yourself? 

A I would promote myself through social media, business cards and word of mouth. I am developing a zine at the moment. Through the summer, I will develop more zines and work on a book.

4 How do I develop my practice in line with industry standards? 

A I would keep up to date with current trends that influence photography. This would be through the internet and keeping up to date with what's happening locally in my area. There is an advantage also of going to exhibitions in my area and art galleries to gain more inspiration for other artists/photographers. I will join Redeye soon also to gain more of an insight into the sector, advanced opportunities in workshops and gain critiques from professionals on how to improve on my work.

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Culture-how it is determined by the internet. Music and photography examined.

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