Saturday 24 December 2022

Career Plan

 My plans for the future include finishing my degree her in Blackpool. During this time I am hoping to gain practical knowledge of how the photography industry works and find my part within it. I was told by my tutor in my first year that I will find my style and photographic identity in my second year. I was a bit incredulous to this because I was struggling in my first year. However, I have began to find my identity through appropriation of images and creating photomontages which are of a political nature. 

Now that I have found my identity and I am becoming more confident in expressing myself through my images, I feel more reedy to consider my career as a photographer. I have been busy buying things for a studio such as lighting, flashes, back drops and lenses for the future. I hope to do my masters at Preston in the coming years and understand the world of curation. I am interested in history as a subject and i enjoy photography. It seems a good idea to use the two.

A handy way of realizing your strengths, weaknesses, limitations of the market is to use a Swot Analyses of your sector to realize possible avenues you can explore. 

A resource like this is a useful way of achieving success in the business. 

I intend to finish my degree and take part in some competitions at a local and national level to hopefully gain some experience of the process and hopefully win. I intend also to promote my work online using free platforms such as Instagram and LinkedIn. I am also going to find a way to disseminate my work for others to see. I am currently working on creating a zine with a concept in which all my images adhere too. I also hop to create more in the future and one day, get a website with my images included. 

The hope is that this will give me exposure for perspective clients to see. 

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