Monday 24 April 2023

Feedback received.

 I informed my tutor about the amount of photographers who have let me down in giving me feedback recently. I was given the email address of a photographer called Jack Boniface-he has given a few students feedback and his an accomplished photographer and has a has his own photography business'. 

I sent him a total of 5 still life portraits that collectively created my narrative of the rise and decline of The British Empire via email.






Hi mark 

So I was a little unclear in what it is you imagine you will do with photography. I would say your images fall into still life...your personal interest is in historical narrative using still life photography. Bear this is mind when shooting next time have a look at other still life work and how it can improve your very unique interest. Historical Diagramas are very cool and could be very a great start good subject and still life technical approach.
Looking at you images, to keep it purely photo to start.  A hard light as you have tried works well in still life, can be dramatic not quite there in your images but keep playing and should find the sweet spots. The first image is my favorite and would love to see a series just on historic boat replicas. Unfortunately all your image a floored technically. They all have too much contrast and under exposed in general. 
Moving to your  sets, they felt a little sparse, however this could be very cool but it would require a massive commitment on set building and design with the photo only being the tip of the ice burg. Yours are a little underwhelming but feels there is great scope here to create something bigger. Possibly find someone to collaborate with that likes to build. 
Good luck 

My response. 

I see that in terms of lighting I have some way to go to find "the sweet spot" that Jack refers too. I have just bought a snoot for my lighting equipment at home, hopefully this will create a better source of lighting in the future.

In terms of creating dioramas with a contextual theme, I am currently looking at this and was on this path prior to Jacks comments. I agree with Jacks comments regards to the first image (HMS Endeavor) being the best as this images I created was with a lot of tutor assistance and direction. Instead of being eager and doing all my images at home, with my lighting set, it might be a good idea to use the universities resources (while I can) and the tutors experience. Finally, I know my idea is sound and the concept is interesting. In the future, working with somebody on this or another concept would be good practice and would be good for my creativity. 

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