Friday 18 November 2022

Where is the industry today.

 According to The Face of the Photography Industry Today and Tomorrow ( The average wage for a photographer is £42,212 a year. A wedding photographer can earn £600 a day. This sees photography as a very lucrative business. Photography is very popular and expanding. This is clearly seen by seeing websites such as Instagram and Facebook. Where photography is very popular. 

When breaking into the industry, there are several ways to consider.

1 Self-taught. A lot of YouTube presentations can teach you elements of photography.

2 A degree can cost you anything from £30.000 

3 A diploma which can cost less. Such as £8.000

To break into the industry, there are several options available. According to The Face of the Photography Industry Today and Tomorrow (

'In terms of building a career, many photographers work on a freelance basis, though there are also fixed employment opportunities within businesses. As of 2020, the largest number of in-house photography jobs are in Creative & Design, and PR, Advertising & Marketing'

There are niche markets in the industry such as wedding photography, food photography, travel, sports, fashion, animal. The graph below shows the most searched niche industry's which are searched for online. The most used hashtag on Instagram seems to be travel photography-with people searching for ideas of where to spend their holidays. The second is food photography with people looking for inspirations of what to eat. 

Pay scale in Photography with different subjects. 
Photography in 2020 & beyond | Tech Talk (

In terms of the industry which interests me, I would like to create narratives with my photography and appropriation. These two areas are where my passion is at present. However, I am prepared to be fluid and adapt. Where I am now is not where I will be in a years' time. I am learning still life at the moment with the university. As well as working on some appropriation. I think that any photographer has to have the ability to adapt and diversify. This helps the photographer to be contemporary and relevant. As well as having a lot of technical experience. 

Below, is a timetable of when people search for photographers. This is handy to explore because it gives you an opportunity to advertise. For example, couples wanting to marry, tend to look for photographers early on in January. A notorious month for making plans and considering the future.

Photography in 2020 & beyond | Tech Talk (

In terms of where the industry is at the moment, opportunities can be had in any area. Blackpool is an entertainment and holiday capital. This means there are numerous opportunities in the leisure and entertainment sector. Businesses like their ideas expressed to customers through visual arts. This includes film and photography. Blackpool has a diverse cultural vibe also and facilitates many festivals such as punk weekend. 

                                                  photography industry - Bing images

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